Hey Everyone!
So just some quick exciting news. This morning, with the sisters we visited an older widow in the ward. We helped her carry some Christmas decorations from the storage to her apartment and as a treat she made Carmelitas!! She told us she makes them every Christmas and loves them. One time she was in the States and had them at someones house and then had to get the recipe. I never thought I would get carmelitas from people in Norway. The carmelita love is spreading around the world :)
but, Thank you all for your love and support. I'm happy, healthy( besides the cold I got this last week), and enjoying it here in Romerike. It is marvelous to be apart of this great work and to see God's blessings and miracles in the lives of his children.
On Tuesday, we took a train to Fetsund. A small beautiful town in the country side. We went there to try visiting an inactive member and some potentials and also knocked some doors. Then we took the train back to Lillestrøm, grabbed some food and then drove to our appointment in the evening. It was with a less active. He is really positive towards the church and so we are excited to work with him. A really nice and smart guy.
on Wednesday, because Elder carver and I both weren't feeling good we took some time to stay in and organize an old area book which turned out to be a big success. Then we went to Strømmen a nearby city to try some former investigators and knock some doors. After that it was the relief society Christmas dinner and we helped serve the food with some other men in the ward. :)
On Thursday, we had our Christmas zone conference!! it was so amazingly inspiring and fun and just a good time. For the first block we had a conference with president, sister hill and the assistants. President asked us to read the talk "what lack i yet" and come prepared to talk about that. His remarks focused on "what lack we yet" as a mission and how we can continually improve and be better. His commitments were to identify one or two things to be more obedient, to prioritize 1 to 2 hours for finding each day and to study in preach my gospel daily. Really good ideas and i think exactly what we needed. Sister hill talked about music and using it. hymns are so powerful and really are prayers from the heart. Hymns can invite the spirit into our lives.The other block of zone conference was a talent show. Elder Carver and I played jingle bells on the piano. It was a fun boogie duet. They also had several fun videos and slideshows of missionaries opening their calls and so on. After that we had a lesson with the new convert here.
On Friday, we visited a city called Flateby. There we tried a former investigator who let us in! We shared with him the Christmas message. He loves mormon tabernacle choir and turned it on while we were there. He is pretty positive so we are hoping things can go forward with him. Also on Friday, we met with --. We taught her the plan of salvation and it went well!! She committed to pray. We followed up the next day and she totally prayed! and she said she would pray every night this week! so we were excited about that. She also came to the relief society dinner which was huge.
On Saturday, we did weekly planning, ran some errands in the sentrum, and then visited a member for dinner. Overall good day.
On Sunday, it was moves call! kind of crazy the transfer is coming to an end. Because Christmas is so soon, this last transfer was only 5 weeks and the next one will be 7 weeks. so Elder Carver and I will continue being companions here in Romerike :) Then we had a good day at church. After that we took a train to Kløfte to work in the area there. We felt like we should go there and it turned out to be a huge success. We found an old potential investigator list and found a woman who has a family and who was interested 2 or 3 years ago. There wasn't any follow up info so we decided to visit her. We knocked on her door and her husband answered. He let us in and get his wife. She was really happy to see us and we ended up chatting with her, sharing her the Christmas message and explaining to her our purpose and she wants us back to teach her the lessons! She has lots of young kids and wants to teach them about Jesus. So we testified how we were grateful to be raised in the church and to have the knowledge and testimonies we have today. Really cool.
And to go with that here is another cool miracle story. After having gone through the area book. We called some of the records. One was this older Norwegian man. He answered and was very friendly but wasn't interested. Then after we hung up he called us back all of a sudden. And this time there was a women who was visiting him at the time we called. She asked us who were are and what we do and She was super interested in meeting and learning about the message and so she gave us her address and number and we will be meeting with her tonight!
So this upcoming week we got several possibilities opening up for us. We are really excited. My thoughts this week are about the Book of Mormon. On Lds.org it had some news about Elder Christoffersen speaking at the library of congress on the book of mormon. It was really interesting so I listened to his speech. in the speech he lists several names or titles given to the book such as "another testament of Jesus Christ, A safety for the soul, the mormon bible, the most correct of any book, the word of god, the iron rod, and so on. I would just like to add my testimony that I know the Book of Mormon is true. It is the word of God. The more and more I read i come to understand how complex and beautiful the record really is. The prophets of the book of mormon are real people. They walked on the earth as we do. They poured their hearts into their writings knowing that it would be of great worth some they. It is a safety for the soul.
Have a great week. Love you all
Elder Witt :)
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